The Trishul Of Picheeswar

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Emerald Publishers






Vishnu is an ex-police officer, who had resigned from his job due to too many frustrations. Dakshan is a real estate agent. They get to know each other during an event and become friends. After that in their subsequent meetings, Vishnu gives a proposal for Dakshan to steal an antique. The antique is an old Trishul, which is believed to have a high market value. Dakshan accepts to co-operate with him for the theft. Jalandhar, a cold blooded murderer is also joining their team for the theft. Dakshan is not happy with his presence. But they had to travel together. There is a belief that the one who owns the Trishul will be blessed with a huge amount of wealth. This aspect of that Trishul induces the interest of the people towards it. There are certain rules for the Trishul and if a person who owns it breaks those rules, he would have to face the consequences accordingly. With events happening between the action and reaction of human minds, the Trishul plays a vital role for their fights.

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Bharath Dhanasekaran

About the Author: Bharath Dhanasekaran is a Civil Engineer cum Entrepreneur. writing is his passion..

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