Published by

Bigfoot Publications






"Sklylit Moments" is a collection of 40 haiku that transports readers to a world filled with beauty and life through vivid imagery. These haiku explore a wide range of emotions and experiences, including love, hope, and the brilliance of nature. With its subtle blend of simplicity and depth, "Skylit Moments" offers an evocative reading experience.

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Sai Pradeep

About the Author: Sai Pradeep Boddu is a writer from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, who has had a passion for literature from an early age. He began his writing journey with "All the Lights Within Us," a poetry collection which was published in 2019. He enjoys the works of Agatha Christie, Oscar Wilde, and Walt Whitman. When not dedicating time to writing, he can be found exploring new places, immersing himself in literature, and cherishing the simple moments. He can be reached at

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