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Great questions can generate great answers. All the revolutions and developments in the history of the world evolved from great questions made by various scholars. The more questions you are able to ask, the more inventions you are able to create or the more solutions you are able to find. With this new QQ research with the combination of the topic of poetry, you will advance your poetic skill with Question Quotient. Consequently, with advanced question-asking mindset and skill set, you will be skilled in asking zillions of general, creative, and extraordinary questions on the subject of poetry to advance poetry-writing skill and understand the features of poetry. Several types of questions such as basic questions, professional questions, quiz questions, research questions, analytical questions, artistic questions, scientific questions, creative questions, structural questions, and extraordinary questions on poetry are comprehensively explored in this book. If you apply the techniques mentioned to frame questions and if you keep reading all the questions illustrated, you will be intellectually and creatively skilled in framing unlimited questions on poetry. Moreover, you can ask these questions in order to create numerous ideas that can be used for creating new products, designs, and services, and developing novel websites, software, and games. In this fast-paced world, students and professionals are not interested to read books as it takes a lot of time and typical non-fiction books make them boring with explanations and illustrations. For example, if you extract a 100 page book, the key points of the book will be around just five pages and the rest will be mere elaborations. However, this QQ book will not make you feel boring with descriptions and elaborated paragraphs as it has been written with line-by-line questions. Moreover, this book will not consume your valuable time because you can read this book completely within fifteen minutes. Generally, we do not like to read answers directly because every one of us likes to ask questions, visualize concepts, and search sources to find answers because of the nature of inquisitiveness in us. Those who read this book can ask themselves and others, imagine numerous concepts and designs, and search answers in several formats such as texts, images, videos and audios in libraries and online with user-friendly keywords. And also, it is not required to read this book from the first page to the last page. Open any page as you like and swim across the pool of questions, you will become familiar with various questions on the topic of poetry. This book is a great boon for poets, critics on poetry, and those who like to advance their creativity and innovation skills

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S. A. Kader

About the Author: S.A. Kader, a research graduate from Annamalai University, has done an intensive research on creativity, imagination, and intelligence. Through his books, he teaches the power of creativity, imagination, and innovation in order to create an art of invention and innovation for the next stage of human evolution..

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