Published by

Emerald Publishers


Fiction,Social Issues,Women Empowerment




In this powerful historical fiction set in late 90s war-torn Kabul, Nadira, a courageous journalist, becomes the embodiment of the collective voice of millions of oppressed women. Stripped of her license and ousted from her office by the Taliban, Nadira refuses to be silenced. In the best phase of the story, the reader witnesses the indomitable spirit of Nadira, who is determined to make her voice heard in a world plagued by darkness. However, as the story delves into its worst phase, the depths of human suffering are revealed, and the reader is confronted with the harsh realities that countless women have experienced. This poignant and thought-provoking novel compels readers to confront the darkness and find hope amidst adversity, as they are reminded of the untold stories of courage, survival, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

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Surya Sree

About the Author: Surya Sree is an acclaimed author born on March 7th, 1997, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Sociology from Loyola College. His debut non-fiction book, "On the Brink of Extinction," earned him the Criticspace Top 50 Impactful Authors award in India in 2022. Surya has a deep appreciation for classical and contemporary literature, and his interests span philosophy, current affairs, politics, psychology, history, and atheism. In his free time, he enjoys trekking, exploring remote corners of India, playing professional cricket, and practicing street photography. You can read his blogs at ''..

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