Indus to Keeladi and Beyond Chronicles of an Urban Civilization

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Emerald Publishers


Ancient Tamil Trade,Tamil Literature




we can consider Archaeology as a division of history and anthropology. Archaeology complements history with material evidence. With the evolution of Scientific technologies in archaeology, correlation and study of History is the need of the hour.Prehistoric and proto historic culture of Tamil Nadu is still largely un publicized. Extensive excavations and analyses have been carried out in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and the neighboring country of Srilanka. This along with the modern scientific research provide a comprehensive account on the prehistoric and proto historic Tamil civilization. This is my humble attempt in presenting a comprehensive analysis of the various facets of proto-historic and pre-historic Tamil civilization. Archaeology can be considered as a division of history and anthropology. Archaeology complements history with material evidence. With the evolution of Scientific technologies in archaeology, correlation History with the scientic anyses is the need of the hour. Prehistoric and proto historic culture of Tamil Nadu is still largely un-publicized. Extensive excavations and analyses have been carried out in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and the neighboring country of Srilanka. This along with the modern scientific research provide a comprehensive account on the prehistoric and proto historic Tamil civilization. This is my humble attempt in presenting a comprehensive analysis of the various facets of proto-historic and pre-historic Tamil civilization.

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Sivachitra Asokan

About the Author: Tamil culture enthusiastic, who spreads the Tamil culture knowledge to other countries via her writings..

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